In Thai law there are different types of Title Deeds in use in Thailand. If you are buying a condo or a house ensure that the Title deeds on which the property has been built has the correct title deed if you are wanting to buy the property. Speak to a property attorney first in Thailand before you buy!
Speak to a property attorney in Thailand first before buying or making use of a usufruct in Thailand first.
The worst Title Deed in Thailand is the Sor Por Kor 4-01 which is used for agricultural land in Thailand. It has very few rights and is used mainly by poor Thai farmers in Thailand. This title deed on allows for occupation and for maybe erecting a small house on it. These hold very little value and I have never heard of a foreigner having such a title deed.
The Nor Sor 4 (Chanote) is the title deed which allows you to full ownership of property in Thailand. These Chanote title deeds hold the same value and powers as what your title deed at home would have. This title deed has had its location documented and its boundaries measured by the Land Department. This is the best title deed to hold in Thailand.
The second best title deed to hold is the Nor Sor 4 Gor. This is much the same as the Chanote except that the government has not measured the property as yet to make it a full title deed. This deed can, however, be changed into a Chanote.
If you are considering buying property in Thailand in the name of your wife then speak to our property lawyers with regards to all your options such as leasehold agreements in Thailand or usufruct agreements in Thailand. This will protect you in the event you get divorced and allows you legal protection when the property needs to be divided and sold. Speak to us today about your property purchase.